Tuesday, May 19, 2009

sungod pizza

feeling: sungod
craving: something crunchy, savory, and salty
weather: sunny
this one's super hard.

shopping list =
tbl. fresh basil + shredded mozzarella + amy's rice crust pizza (frozen section of grocery store)

1. cook pizza according to package directions*
*NOTE on sungod (for lisa): you must REMOVE cardboard from bottom of pizza before baking to avoid the smell of burning cardboard coming from oven.
2. in last 6 min, sprinkle extra mozzarella onto top of pizza + return to oven.
3. remove pizza, slice, and sprinkle with fresh chopped basil

finish off with a jello shot. yum.

1 comment:

  1. hey hey... we were all drunkish soo that doesn't count, i didn't even notice there was cardboard under it : ) hahha
